Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Aid Kits For Homeless

A first aid kit is something that you do not think about until you need it.  I know first hand because I was the first one to need our first aid kit at work and it had been there for almost 3 years. Leave it to me.

First aid kits are SO easy to put together and can be as frugal as what you want them to be.

They are GREAT projects for a family or just a single person wanting to help.

There are great for mission trips.  Wouldn't these have come in handy to give out while groups were in Haiti?  The homeless sometimes have trouble with blisters or just small scrapes and cuts.  These are wonderful to donate to local shelters or hand them out yourself!

I'm going to upload a little instruction sheet for you to use when doing this project.  Remember these instruction sheets would be great to use in a Sunday School class, Wednesday night Bible study or even a Girl or Boy Scout meeting.

First Aid Kits

Here are some of the items that can be included in a compact First Aid Kit.

Remember the kits need to be compact so they can be stored in tight places.

The kits also need to be placed in something waterproof, sturdy and flat.  Here are some ideas:

The photo above shows the most frugal (Freezer zip baggie) and 2 types of pencil bags.  The tape just signals the person that it is a First Aid Kit.

This next photo shows that the items are chosen so they will easily fit in into the bag.  Those who are homeless do not have the space to carry something bulky around with them.  As you see in this photo below, the cough drops are taken out of the original package to save space.

Take this idea and involve your family, your scout troup, your Sunday School class or just yourself to show God's love to others by asissting them with practical needs.


Helen on April 11, 2011 at 1:15 PM said...

Oh that's great! People should make these up for P.A.D.S.

Unknown on January 12, 2016 at 6:13 PM said...

This is a great idea! thanks for the post I came across it wanting to do something like this in my town.


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